Friday, January 15, 2016

Alan Rickman

January 14, 2016 I awoke thinking today was just going to be like any other day. I picked up my phone to scan through the BBC notifications I received overnight just like I do every morning. I saw Alan Rickman in one of the titles and thought oh cool whats he up to. When I opened the message I was immediately in shock and thought this has to be a hoax. I saw recent pictures and interviews of him and he looked fine. So I went on a frantic search and everyone confirmed, Alan had died that morning in hospital surrounded by family. I spent the entire day in disbelief, posting articles I found on my various social networks and trying all day not to cry. That may seem silly to some, but I have two all time favorite actors: Alan Rickman and Robert Carlyle and yesterday I found out Alan died.

He keep his cancer a secret, something I said I would do if I ever contracted the disease. It had to be hard for him not to tell the world he was sick. One clue should have been when he married his love of 50 years. Marriage was nothing more than a piece of paper to them. They never believed you needed to be married to be committed and share your life. Then in 2012 out of the blue and in secret they wed.

To me Alan was not only a great actor but a wonderful human being as well. I will never forget the time he invited everyone to his house for tea if they were ever in the area while he was on a talk show. May have been Letterman or Leno not sure though. Anyway my first thought was oh Alan what have you done! People will be clamoring to see you when they are in the London area. Of course my next thought was I hate tea but I will drink it if I can have it with Alan Rickman! From then on my goal was to get to England and take him up on that offer at some point in the future. I never imagined that future cut so short. Now I will never have tea with anyone ever. It's just that simple, there was only one man that could have gotten me to drink that and now he is gone and I truly am heartbroken.

I have many of Alan's movies and he will live on forever for us all though his great works of art. I know soon I will be having a Harry Potter marathon and enjoying the one character I loved from the moment he appeared on screen, Professor Snape. I want nothing more than to sit down and watch them now but it's too soon. I cried when Snape died while reading the books and I cried in front of a packed movie theater when he died on screen. That was just the character Alan played, now Alan himself is gone and to watch that series now would be done through tear filled eyes just as typing this up is now. It's just too soon. Rest assured I will be having that marathon in the near future.

For now Goodbye to one of the most unique voices, the brightest smiles, the most cheerful of attitudes, the largest of hearts and the greatest of men. Though I never met you personally I will miss you Alan Sidney Patrick Rickman.

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